None of these meetings could have been an email.

Focusing on Connection

21 April

approx 7:00pm - Arrival & Welcome

Until 9pm - Open the Cabin, Have Snacks, Unpack, Set up Rooms

9:00pm - Bar Opens

9:30pm - Opening Fireside Chat led by Rachel

Midnight - Bedtime

22 April

8:30am - Breakfast Available

9:30am - Restorative Justice led by Rachel

10:45am - 15 minute break

11:00am - Chinese Medicine led by Nicole

approx 12:30pm - Lunch Break

2:00pm until 5:00pm - How to Survive the Wilderness with Shawn

OR Creative Flow with Claire

OR Work the Puzzle, Have a Nap

5:00pm - Bar Opens, Games Begin

6:30pm - Wine and Dinner led by Monica

following dinner and to include drinks, music, calm - The Martig Dynamic led by Hannah, Nicole

24 April

8:30am - Breakfast Available

9:00am - Last Thoughts & 2024 Planning led by Steering Committee

Until 11am - Pack, Clean rooms

11:30am - Close the Cabin

23 April

8:30am - Breakfast Available

9:30am - Finish Cabin Project

10:45am - 15 minute break

11:00am - Creativity & Mindfulness led by Claire

approx 12:30pm - Lunch Break

2:00pm until 5:00pm - Hike About with Shawn

OR Have a Nap, Work the Puzzle

OR More Creative Flow

5:00pm - Bar Opens, Games Begin

6:30pm - Taco Dinner & Taste Test

following dinner and to include drinks, music, calm - Theories-Polland & Campbell led by Sean

Hannah’s Dance Party

“I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.”

-Leslie Knope